Fresh Fruits Everyday Help Keep the Doctor Away: An Overview of the 10 Healthiest Fresh Fruits for Your Body

Fresh Fruits

Fresh Fruits

Easy to eat and effective to digest, fresh fruits are loaded with phytochemicals that combat numerous diseases ranging from heart ailments to diabetes effectively. Most physicians have begun recommending 100% caveman diets (diets composing only of raw fruits, something the humankind was believed to consume during the cave-settlement era in history) for better health, a sleeker physique, and instant energy.

You definitely can benefit immensely from gorging on fruits all day. Here are ten fresh fruits that will help you keep your doctor away:

#1: Watermelons

Nature’s best thirst quenchers, watermelons are known for their instant energy and vitamin B complex enriched juicy flesh. Melons are low calorie foods great for curing cardio diseases and preventing colon cancer by at least 19% in women. Moreover, they keep you hydrated and fresh all summer and are delicious fresh fruits to have at work.

#2: Papayas

Apart from vitamin C enhancements, there are many more reasons why papayas need to feature prominently in your diet. These fresh fruits are full of antioxidants, can clean your digestive tract effectively, and prevent heart attacks. More importantly, regular papaya consumption is great for men as it improves blood circulation and male virility.

#3: Avocados

Avocados are the best cancer combating fresh fruits you can eat today. From oral cancer, prostate cancer to colon cancer, research has shown that regular avocado consumption can effectively decrease your chances of contracting cancer. That apart, these fresh fruits are great energy powerhouses, have lots of vitamin E and are great for nutrient assimilation into the cells. You certainly mustn’t neglect avocados in your fruit delivery boxes.

#4: Grapes

A bunch of grapes, according to research, can help you cure asthma, cataract, macular degeneration (loss of eyesight in aged people), and prevent constipation. Apart from being a rich source of energy and fiber, grapes are also great natural cures for migraine. Indeed, this tiny fresh fruit has a lot of wonders stuffed into it.

#5: Apples

Eating apples affects your brain, heart, energy levels, bowels, and eyesight in a huge way, which is why an apple a day helps to keep your doctor away. It is a great energy booster as well, and can help keep your tooth naturally clean and white, if consumed every day. If there is a fresh fruit that deserves to be in your fruit platter, it is an apple.

#6: Oranges

Citric fruits are always beneficial to health, and orange is no exception. Loaded with vitamin C and fiber, oranges are pulpy and sour in taste. Rich in antioxidants and low in fats, oranges help keep your body pH levels stabilized for prolonged time periods. Fresh fruits like oranges also keep your colons clean through bile acids present in them.

#7: Cranberries

Cranberries, with an 8983 TE antioxidant count per 100 grams of flesh, is a rich source of important transmitting chemicals, perhaps second only to blue berries. These fresh fruits are great to combat aging since they help fight free radicals in the skin and blood. Regular cranberry consumption also helps you detoxify your body.

#8: Bananas

We all know eating bananas is great to boost our energy levels and increase concentration. But, what you do not probably know is that bananas are important to facilitate bowel health too. Moreover, they generate tryptophan that instantly lifts you up and de-stresses you completely. Besides, these fresh fruits are excellent sources of phosphorus and vitamins too, which is why they are a must have.

#9: Kiwis

Kiwis are tiny fresh fruits, no doubt. But they contain a lot more nutrient than most other biggies. For instance, the fiber in kiwis can regulate bowel movement and relieve you of cardiovascular disorders. In fact, kiwis are rich sources of vitamin C and are great for lung health. More than 44% people who consumed kiwis were found to have lesser common cold, cough and wheezing than the rest, according to a popular research survey in Britain.

#10: Tangerines

Tangerines, or mandarin oranges, contain a lot of antioxidants and vitamins that boost energy, replenish your body with nutrients and are delicious to taste too. Make sure these fresh fruits are a part of your daily diet intake to be healthy.


Our list of fresh fruits is not exhaustive and there are several more you must try and incorporate in your fruit basket. Remember: the more, the merrier!